releases minijpas_public_data_release_pdr201912

MiniJ-PAS Public Data Release (PDR201912)

MiniJ-PAS Public Data Release (December 2019) (MINIJ-PAS-PDR201912) comprises 4 AEGIS fields observed with 60 optical bands amounting to 1deg2. MINIJ-PAS-PDR201912 is based on images collected by the JST250 telescope and the PathFinder instrument.

This first public data release includes two types of data: FITS images and single and dual catalogue data (parameters measured from images, such as photometry or morphology data). Single catalogues are the ones where the detection and photometry have been done on each image independently. Meanwhile, dual catalogues are the catalogues where the detection and photometry have been done using as reference image the r-SDSS image.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: New Lephare PhotoZ data since 19th April 2021. Please, read here.


Total area covered 1 square degrees
Image size 8600x8600 pixels
Image pixel scale 0.225 arcsec
Number total of fields 4
Number of objects in dual catalogue 64.293
Number of detections in single catalogue 604.570
Images Total Size (compressed) ~8.2GB
Catalogue Database Size ~1.5GB